InThePastLane November 21, 2012 Edward T. O'Donnell Here's a historian's guide to getting the most out of "Lincoln." Stephen Spielberg’s latest film, "Lincoln," has been hailed by reviewers as a masterpiece (this historian agrees). Daniel Day-Lewis’s … [Read more...]
Archives for November 2012
The Great Cranberry Scare of 1959
InThePastLane by Edward T. O’Donnell What's Thanksgiving without cranberry sauce and cranberry bread? In 1959, millions of Americans found out. The problem was not with the cranberry supply, for growers had reported an excellent harvest that … [Read more...]
Of Plague and Pilgrims: The Grim Story Behind the First Thanksgiving
As Thanksgiving approaches, we can expect many newspaper articles and television programs detailing the story behind the holiday’s origins. The accurate ones will explain how the first Thanksgiving in 1621 bore little resemblance to the scenes represented in paintings—e.g., Pilgrims and Native … [Read more...]
Nativism Yesterday and Today – The Case of the Irish
People who rail against immigrants and minorities these days would do well to study up on their American history. Take for example the case of the Irish. Today the descendants of Irish immigrants constitute one of the most prosperous (second only to Jewish Americans) and powerful ethnic groups in … [Read more...]
The Original Demon Weed: The Great Anti-Cigarette Crusade
InThePastLane by Edward T. O’Donnell In recent years voters in many states have approved laws legalizing the recreational marijuana use (and that several other states approved medical marijuana use) has prompted much speculation that marijuana may some day enjoy the legal … [Read more...]